Sunday 9 August 2009


A couple of years ago, we had major discussions about monder. According to Alicia (Toño's fabulously charming boss), you can't say that your are blanching and peeling a tomato. It's called monder a tomato.

Obviously, monder is French, the Lingua Franca of cooking. And being a graduate of the famous École Hôtelière de Lausanne, Alicia has to know this.

So how does one monder? It's quite easy. You even may do this at home. Just keep your kiddos away from the boiling water and the sharp knife.

Step 1: Get rid off the stalk of the tomato.

Step 2: Cut a small cross with the point of a knife

Step 3: Plunge the tomato in ebullient water and leave it there for about 30 seconds (which is the time it takes until you can observe that the skin is detaching from the flesh).

Step 4
: Put the tomato in ice water.

Step 5
: Now peeling is easy like taking candy from a baby.

Why all this effort? Well, I just wanted to make some Roulade Estiva.


  1. Last time I mondered a tomato, it was for guacamole. Was well worth the effort, too.

  2. what are the proper 6 parts of monder
