Thursday, 28 May 2009


I'm not going so far as to admit that I participate in slicklegging. I just came serendipitously across slicklegging while watching the fabulous adaptation of Jake Arnott's The Long Firm by the BBC. Here is the according excerpt of that scene from the book:

I suppose he seems fellatio as an expression of democracy. He once confined his conviction that ingesting young & vigorous semen counters the effect of aging. He was quite serious about it. I replied that it was probably the closest he'd ever get to transubstantiation. I'm not adverse to it myself but I usually like to maintain a proper posture when mingling with the masses. Mutual masturbation, I think is the tedious technical term. I hate this modern definitions. Makes everything sound coldly medical rather than deliriously sinful. There's an ancient word that far better describes my pleasure. Slicklegging

According to Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition by Barry Richard Burg, the expression slicklegging does not extend into heterosexual vocabulary.

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